

Skills Acceleration & Insights

Super Bowl... Super Insights leadership management succession planning Feb 04, 2024

When I was a kid, there was one day a year that I looked forward to staying at home, not going outside, and gluing myself to the television all afternoon and evening. It was Super Bowl Sunday.

For as long as I can remember, Super Bowl Sunday has been a day I look forward to—the food, the...

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Here's What My TEDx Taught Me communication presentations tedx Jan 28, 2024

It was the best 13 minutes of my professional career… standing there on the red circle of the TEDx stage and sharing my thoughts and ideas on how to cooperatively negotiate using the words “Yes, If.”

I felt free, inspired, joyful, and even though I couldn’t see the...

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A $450 M Negotiation? No Problem with "Yes, If" decision making negotiations yesif Jan 21, 2024

$450,000,000 - that’s a big negotiation, and I loved every moment of it.

Reflecting on nearly 20 years in “Corporate America” gigs, I think about the people, the wins, the losses, and the moments that made a profound impact.

Leading a $450 million negotiation was one of those...

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Don't Fall for The Gambler's Fallacy decision making leadership Jan 15, 2024

I won a bunch of money for Tré Cool, the drummer of Green Day.

No, I'm not his business agent, nor am I a rock show promoter. Instead, I got on a shooter's "hot streak" at a craps table at the Mandalay Bay in Vegas, and Tré, who was playing next to me, was cashing in as I kept...

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A Leadership Lesson From The Breakfast Buffet leadership Jan 09, 2024

I knew it would be a long and hard day in the boardroom.

We started the business reviews and tough questioning at 8:00 AM, ending just before 9:00 PM – 13 HOURS! A marathon day of presenting to the CEO and executive team. Eggs, bacon, and fruit for breakfast. Dry sandwiches for lunch....

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Take Advantage of Fresh Starts decision making leadership sales Jan 03, 2024

Happy New Year!

Why do even-numbered years carry a special charm? No clue.

Yet, the even-year mojo has been with me since childhood, dating back to receiving the cherished Topps baseball card set gift on Christmas Day 1986. With that nostalgia, 2024, here we come!

While the allure of even years...

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