

Skills Acceleration & Insights

How to Make Your Next Presentation Your Best best practices leadership presentations Aug 06, 2024

I challenge myself before every presentation I give. The challenge is, “How do I make this presentation my best?”

I answer the question by enhancing my body language, trying out a new joke, and adding an original story to the performance.

I share the same goal with the...

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Unlock Presentations with AI Text-to-Image ai persuasion presentations storytelling Jul 09, 2024

When presenting, the power of visuals cannot be overstated. Visual content enhances engagement and helps comprehension, retention, and engagement. I share stories when I present. To bring the stories to life, I use images to connect to the audience.

My presentation slide rule is simple,...

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Break-In | Break-Out | Break-Away communication framework leadership presentations Jun 24, 2024

When the Abbott Vascular team launched the XIENCE V drug-eluting coronary stent in 2008 in the United States, our plan was simple...

Break-In: Access the U.S. market with FDA approval and a great launch campaign.

Break-Out: Take market share with compelling clinical data and incredible product...

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Practice POPS When You Present communication presentations Feb 11, 2024

Our voice is the most essential tool in our business skills portfolio. 

We communicate through words and body language. Reliable and effective communication with customers and colleagues generates connection, cooperation, and builds a healthy team spirit.

Being an excellent communicator is...

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Here's What My TEDx Taught Me communication presentations tedx Jan 28, 2024

It was the best 13 minutes of my professional career… standing there on the red circle of the TEDx stage and sharing my thoughts and ideas on how to cooperatively negotiate using the words “Yes, If.”

I felt free, inspired, joyful, and even though I couldn’t see the...

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Wake up Your Morning Voice Before Your Present presentations Nov 26, 2023

 Presentation Wake-Up Call! 

If your morning starts with a crucial business presentation, wake up early and stretch out your voice!

I learned this lesson the hard way—I could ace presentations later in the day, but mornings felt like a vocal obstacle course. I often knew what I...

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You're expected to perform at a high-level, but aren't trained with all the skills needed to thrive. Let's change that together.

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