Break-In | Break-Out | Break-Away

communication framework leadership presentations
Use a Communication Framework

When the Abbott Vascular team launched the XIENCE V drug-eluting coronary stent in 2008 in the United States, our plan was simple...

Break-In: Access the U.S. market with FDA approval and a great launch campaign.

Break-Out: Take market share with compelling clinical data and incredible product deliverability.

Break-Away: From a strength and leadership position, iterate on next-generation technology. Separate from the competition.

Every time you have an opportunity to communicate a recommendation or share a plan of action, use a structured communication framework to deliver your message effectively.

Simply stated… Structured communication = Structured Thinking = Credibility = Persuasion

Once you have a helpful framework, use it again and again. The better the communication framework, the more you can apply it in different situations.

I love the Break-In | Break-Out | Break-Away framework to coach a talented individual on her career progression.

It sounds like this:

“Think about how you BREAK-IN to a commercial organization through a front-line sales role. Learn how to put the customer in the center. Next, BREAK-OUT as either a sales manager or take on a cross-functional commercial opportunity in marketing or commercial ops. Finally, once you have diverse commercial experiences, BREAK-AWAY to general management and leadership.”

I also use the Break-In | Break-Out | Break-Away framework to help transition U.S. Special Operators and Professional Athletes into post-military/sports careers.

  • Break-in to the new opportunity. Learn, grow, and evolve.
  • Break-out with exceptional performance. Get promoted and elevate.
  • Break-away with the skills and confidence to conquer new personal and professional ventures.

Make communications easier by leaning into a structured communication framework that works well for you.

Here are a few additional frameworks to consider:

  1. Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow: “This is where we were. These are the actions we’re going to take today. By taking these steps, we’ll see above-average growth for the next few years (tomorrow.)
  2. The Hero’s Story: “I’m optimistic about our future. Let me share why. We have faced challenges like these before. We knew how to retool to meet the moment. We’re going to do the same thing today. We’re resilient and will show our customers and competition that we’re back and stronger than ever.”

Find a communication framework that you can comfortably and repeatably use. Once you have your framework, fill in the appropriate message, rehearse, and deliver confidently.

Share your framework with me. I’d love to hear how you structure your communications for maximum impact.

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