5-Steps on How to Sell to Doctors

Episode #68

The Sales Warrior Within | Season 2 Episode 68 - 5-Steps on How to Sell to Doctors

Host: Andy Olen

Learn More About Andy at www.AndyOlen.com

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Andy Olen's not a doctor, nor did he play one on TV...

So... How did he successfully sell to doctors for 15+ years?

1. Self-awareness - I never pretended to be a doctor AND never tried to outsmart a doctor. (Side note - I did grow up wanting to be a doctor, but then I met AP Chem in high school, and it was all over.)

2. Active listening - My listening-to-talking ratio was 85:15. Listening > Talking. When I had something to say, I made it something meaningful.

3. Find the Why - I asked doctors, "Why did you become a doctor? Tell me about your best day as a doctor." I learned what made them tick and what motivated them, an incredible insight.

4. Learn their hobbies - Doctors work hard and play hard. How do they play? You may be lucky enough to be invited to enjoy their hobbies with them.

5. Show up - Consistency and predictability go a long way with MDs. Be there.

If you're in sales and NOT an MD, you must overcome a significant education and experience gap with your customers. Follow the steps in this episode, and you'll make progress!

Get in touch with [email protected]. Andy enjoys engaging with the Sales Warrior Community.