

Skills Acceleration & Insights

Waiting is not a Sales Activity coaching sales sales management Jun 03, 2024

When I led business reviews with salespeople, there was one wrong answer to a simple question that made me cringe.

I asked the salesperson, “What is your next step with this customer?”

When the answer came back, “I’M WAITING FOR such and such thing to happen.”


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Four Experiences to Prep for Commercial Leadership leadership management promotion sales Apr 08, 2024

Figuring out what roles and experiences you need to climb the commercial ladder can be daunting. Most mentors you ask will prescribe roles that they had. Well, that might not work for you.

Most mentors my age, 48 and older, likely advise a talented professional to climb straight through...

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Take Advantage of Fresh Starts decision making leadership sales Jan 03, 2024

Happy New Year!

Why do even-numbered years carry a special charm? No clue.

Yet, the even-year mojo has been with me since childhood, dating back to receiving the cherished Topps baseball card set gift on Christmas Day 1986. With that nostalgia, 2024, here we come!

While the allure of even years...

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Overcome the Expectation to Skills Gap

You're expected to perform at a high-level, but aren't trained with all the skills needed to thrive. Let's change that together.

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