Get Better in Business by Hanging With the Best

best practices business skills self improvement
Get Better in Business by Hanging With the Best


If You Want to Get Better in Business, Hang Out With the People Who Do It Well

Growing up, I played tennis, and my game improved when I played against better players. Sure, I wouldn't say I liked losing, but every match taught me something new, and I could see my skills sharpen each time out on the court.

Recently, I completed my final long training run before the New York City Marathon, now just two weeks away. I ran with an experienced marathoner, and we had a challenging workout: six fast miles, sandwiched between three warm-up and three cool-down miles. Let me tell you, those last two fast miles were brutal. My running partner was cruising, pushing the pace, and it took everything I had to keep up. But I made it through, and I know I became a better runner because I was with someone who knew how to push the limits.

Business works the same way. If you want to improve, seek out those at the top of their game. Watch how they operate, learn from their discipline, and adopt their best practices. It's not just about what they do—it's how they think, plan, and execute.

The best in business don't just show up; they actively seek out challenges that stretch their skills. If you surround yourself with these professionals, you'll find your game elevating to new levels.

Here are a few ways to make it happen:

1.     Seek Mentors: Identify leaders in your field and find ways to connect with them. Ask questions, listen to their stories, and understand how they approach problems.

2.     Connect With Thought Partners: Find the people in your organization with whom you can brainstorm ideas. Ask these people for feedback and help improving your good thoughts.

3.     Join Professional Groups: Whether it's industry associations, local business groups, or online communities, connect with people who share your passion for growth and excellence.

4.     Attend Workshops and Conferences: These are great opportunities to learn from the best, network with peers, and get inspired by new ideas.

5.     Read and Listen: Read, listen to, and consume books, podcasts, and articles by successful business professionals. Study their habits, mindsets, and strategies.

6.     Push Your Comfort Zone: Like those tough miles on my run, business growth happens outside your comfort zone. Challenge yourself to take on projects or roles that stretch your abilities.

Remember, the goal isn't just to keep up; it's to get better. Surround yourself with those who inspire you to raise your game and watch your business skills grow.

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